One of my favorite classes to teach is the PADI Rescue Diver course. While in-water rescue is serious business, the class is fun both for me and the students. اللعبة الدوارة It is frequently the first time diver begin to shift their focus from themselves and develop situational awareness. The comfort level with respect to their own diving, from the beginning of the class to the end, is remarkable.
A central skill during the course is in-water rescue breathing. casino 888 sport It’s tough for a number of reasons, but one major challenge is maintaining and open airway to administer breaths without pushing the victims head underwater. وان كارد مصر The article linked above addresses this issue.
Mr. Ratliff: Thank you for taking the time to comment on this. Unfortunately, since I linked to that article on another website, I can’t change the picture. If you have or know of a more appropriate one, please let me know and I’ll post it. These days, we teach both the “do-si-do” method, and the head cradle. Also, the use of a pocket mask is generally considered preferable, both for the safety of the rescuer, and to help keep water from entering the airway. I’m interested in your thoughts on this.
This photo does not do in-water rescue breathing justice; it is incorrect at least from my NAUI training many years ago (1973, by John Woozy, I believe). He preached the “Do-See-Do” method, whereby the divers go into the dance position, hooking the right arm (for this photo) into and under the right arm of the diver, then holding onto the tank. The left arm (again, from the victim diver’s right side) should go up onto the head (face mask removed) and pinch the nose. With the buoyancy of either the wet suit (minus weights) or the BC, lift up on the diver with the right arm and extend the neck to open the airway with the left arm on the forehead, pinching the nose with the fingers of the left hand). Administer mouth-to-mouth in this manner while swimming the diver in to shore or the boat for recovery. We had to do this at our NAUI ITC through 200 yards of California surf, and I mean actually do it on each other with the victim not breathing on his/her own. This was before the concerns about blood-borne pathogens, AIDS, etc. knocked that type of training out of the protocol. John Ratliff, NAUI 2710 (Retired)