It’s the fourth of July, and I want to wish everyone, especially my fellow divers, a happy and safe Independence Day. It’s a day for families and friends to join together and appreciate that we are uniquely blessed with our freedom.
Of the 120 billion or so people who have ever walked the Earth, only about 5 billion have lived free, and most of those have been in modern times. Liberty as we know it is a rarity and we must appreciate and protect it.
Divers, especially tech divers, certainly embrace the spirit of independence. ingyen nyerőgépes játékok book of ra We strive to be self-sufficient, carry a dizzying array of gear, and train like crazy. We personally accept the risks of diving deep, breathing exotic gases and putting ourselves where immediate access to the surface is not an option. 20bet kaszinó online
As we go about our lives, men and women of our military are overseas, risking and sometimes giving up their lives to protect our ability keep doing what we do. Please join me in thanking them, and pray the’ll be home soon. nomini kaszinó online