Not long ago, I made a post about dive industry people not responding to customer inquiries. Specifically, I named SubGear and Jack’s diving Locker because I had recently attempted to contact both–more than once.
Within a day, I was contacted by Andy Woerner of Jack’s Diving Locker who had seen my post and expressed concern that they had apparently not received my emails. Based on his quick response, I believe that to be true. At the same time, he asked that I restate my questions and explain the method I used to contact them. (I have yet to hear from SubGear)
My original note to Jack’s was related to buoyancy checks. As I suspected, they encourage all divers to do achieve neutral buoyancy prior to their dives, recognizing the shortcomings of surface checks and fin pivots as a means of assessing a diver’s skills overall.
I agree. Surface checks and fin pivots, especially for new divers, really only provide a starting point. Nervous divers tend to breathe at the top of their lung volume, giving the impression that they are underweighted. There are other factors as well.
To give a much better feel for the actual weighting requirements and to refresh a diver’s skills overall, Jack’s offers a pool session for only $25. I can’t recommend such sessions enough. It’s a great way to blow the cobwebs out and get comfortable with the gear, as well as providing an opportunity to get to know the people at Jack’s Diving Locker along with the procedures for making dives later from the boat.
I was really glad to have been contacted by Andy. I love diving with Jack’s Diving Locker and have had many great experiences with them. So, it was disappointing to think they don’t care enough to answer their mail. This December, we’ll be diving with Jack’s for sure!
Check out the Merritt Supply website for the right equipment necessary to repair your boat.